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Why do I now wear makeup every day?

Have any of you wondered why I do my makeup every day now, when so often I never leave the house/motel?

It definitely started because I really just needed the practice, since I had no idea how to apply makeup 🤣 but there's more to it than that.

In a way, it's self-care. When you take the time to look good (or even just to add a little sparkle or bit of your favoutire colour) it makes you feel better about yourself. Consistently taking the time to feel good about your appearance helps you to remember that you are worth it, and maintains your self-respect. It also adds that extra little bit of positivity to your day. 🌞 When you feel good about the way you look, it gives you extra confidence as well. 😊 That boost of confidence might even make you more productive and successful! 😘

Have I seen anyone besides Taz and Troy today? No. But every time I glance in the mirror, my sparkly eye shadow today makes me smile, which is making my day that much better 😁✨

💥 Do something today to make your own life just a bit more beautiful, and tell me what you did below!! 💥

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